Friday, October 11, 2013

*What many of you don't know about me*

Many of you know me, but do you know that I often suffer from panic attacks? Probably not, unless you've read my Facebook posts. Anxiety is caused by stress and uncertainty. At times, I find myself so anxious that my heart beats so fast that it feels like it's going to pop out of my chest. This happens when I think too much or have unhappy thoughts. At other times, nothing provokes my anxiety, it randomly occurs. The worst thing that can happen when panic comes my way is that I puke. I've learned to take deep breaths and control my anxiety by relaxing or laying down. I feel the worst when my throat begins to close up or knot up. Thankfully, I haven't had a full blown panic attack in two years. I do find myself feeling the symptoms, but remember to control my breathing. Concentration is everything.


  1. happens to me so much! been feeling it all day, youre so right on the concentration and breathing, its way too easy to let the anxiety take over though!

    1. Yes it is! That's why we must continue to concentrate and meditate. Thanks for following!
