Monday, October 14, 2013

*I am Happy to See my Students Learning*

My whole life, I've said I would be many things and I would play make believe. I never thought I'd pursue the teacher role. I remember how scary my teachers seemed and that drove me away. Today, I can say, nothing brings greater satisfaction to my face than seeing my students comprehend something because of me. I have always been a lover of words and language, but who would've thought that I would be teaching it. Last week, I set out to teach English in a frenzy. I was everything, but prepared. It was amazing to watch my students greet me each day in proper English. Learning any language is a struggle, but English has so many rules that it can become confusing. This week, I set up a lesson plan, headed to my students' workplace and handed out various worksheets we went over together. They were amazing and I encouraged them to talk by themselves. I examined their strengths and weaknesses and know what needs more work and what doesn't. Verbs are extremely confusing, but with time, they will get it. We are currently working on the present tense. Tomorrow, we will review it and move on to articles. I don't believe it's necessary to throw everything on them at once. One thing at a time sparks interests. We are all our own mini- geniuses! Be inspired! Never give up! Keep on moving up!!! Wahoo!!!!! I love my students! 

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