Tuesday, June 16, 2015

* You can afford a Fairytale Wedding *

Well, the first person I must thank is my creative and hard working mother. My wedding would have not been possible without her. She put months of all of her time and effort in planning and preparation. Many will ask, "how did you do it? How did you afford it?" Well, I made a budget for myself and stuck to it. First off, I planned my wedding a year in advance. I went to a variety of venues. They were beautiful, but the one I loved was the first one I went to (The Royal Fiesta Event Center). No, it wasn't the most luxurious venue, but it was the most personable. They didn't treat me like a transaction, which most venues did. So, I chose them and they truly made my night memorable. Anywho, let's get back to the planning, Pinterest and etsy were my best friends. They helped me with ideas and I was able to purchase items that were "not affordable" at a lower price. The vendors were more than gracious. They were extremely efficient and professional. Of course, I had an issue with some minor things, such as my invitations and videographer, but those are things I only know. Therefore, my wedding was an overall success. Anywho, think you can't do it, you can. Get ideas from etsy and Pinterest through lots of research and then go to your local arts and crafts store. You can make the same things at a less expensive cost. A lot of my items were handmade, such as my gorgeous bouquet and centerpieces. I know I haven't gone into a lot of detail, but that would spoil the entire idea. You can afford a wedding like mine if you plan ahead, especially if you have a strong support system and people who are willing to help. Thank you! Thank you all!

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