Getting married? Think it's too early to plan ahead? Think again. Whether your wedding is in 2016 or 2018, it's never too early to organize yourself. Start by buying a binder or downloading, "the knot" app. If you decide to buy a binder, seperate each section with tabs. They should be labeled venues, floral arrangements, cake possibilities, photography, videography, etc. Make sure you have a budget and if you don't, that's amazing. Without a budget, you should be stress free and can plan the wedding of your dreams without a struggle. If you're not that fortunate as most of America isn't, it's vital to have a realistic outlook on what you plan to spend. It's never too early to set up payment plans with venues. That way, you aren't stressing out the week before your wedding worrying if you have enough to pay each place. Venue search as early as possible. Make as many appointments with as many venues as you can to find the place of your dreams. If you're comfortable with the venue, set a date as soon as possible. Remember, most venues fill up quickly. Reserving a date, holds your place. My strongest suggestion is finding a venue that doesn't treat you like a business transaction. It doesn't matter how beautiful the place may be, if you're pressured into booking your date, chances are, the place isn't right for you. If you're getting married in South Florida, I highly recommend the Royal Fiesta Event Center in Deerfield Beach. It isn't the most beautiful venue in Florida, but they make you feel like a part of their family. They don't rush you into anything and are the most accomodating venue I have ever seen. If you plan on getting married in church, make sure to research the proper procedure necessary to do so. If the wedding is on the beach, you need permits to have the ceremony. There are many diverse companies that provide the necessary documents. The one that I used in South Florida, is Weddings By the Sea. If you're having a big wedding, I suggest you hire a wedding planner. Either way, Pinterest should become your best friend. When choosing invitations, please ensure that the ink used is high quality. If not, it will run. Once you have reserved your date, you can send "save the dates" if you choose. Stay focused and keep organized the best you can. Happy planning and good luck!
Saturday, July 11, 2015
Thursday, July 9, 2015
*Check Twice for Your Child!!!*
As a parent, my biggest fear is leaving my child behind. I don't understand how people could leave their children in a car. How could they walk away and forget their children? A child depends on their parents for everything. When someone leaves their babies in a car in smoldering heat, that is not a mistake. Your child is a priority! How do you continue to live your life knowing that you did that to your baby? I would never be able to breathe again. Yet, careless parenting happens every day. People "forget" their children in cars. It takes 15 minutes for a baby to suffocate in a car. I urge every parent to look twice before leaving their cars. Check your car completely before you walk away. Being trapped in a car without being able to talk or move for yourself must be the worst feeling in the world. Don't be that parent! Don't "forget" your child! Please don't make that tragic mistake. Their are millions of people who can't conceive. They would die for a child. If you can't handle parenthood, don't bring innocent lives into the world only to be taken away. Give them better lives. Spare them the pain! Children deserve the world. Their precious lives are irreplaceable. So, please check your backseats before leaving your car. I don't care what kind of parent you think you are! Don't make a child pay for your carelessness. You are the center of their world. You are their voice!
Saturday, July 4, 2015
*Who Do You Think You Are- Really?*

Isn't it fascinating to evaluate your heritage. Obviously, we are told a rough estimate of our nationalities by our parents, but is that where it ends? You see, I became interested in digging deeper into my routes after watching the show, "Who Do You Think You Are?" I found it captivating that with a simple swab of DNA, celebrities were able to uncover their ancestral roots. The show also traced last names to original towns and were able to go as far back to the 1800's or more. Personally, I knew I was of Italian descent. I am first and second generation Italian. My mothers parents are italian immigrants and so is my father. I wanted to save the $200.00 necessary for the swab test. Over the years, I forgot it existed. It wasn't until I had a discussion with one of the girls at work that I heard she had done the swab test. The price had drastically decreased. It was only $100.00. I immediately typed in the website she told me to go to: I was 7 months pregnant and my thirst for heritage grew stronger. I thought it would be an amazing gift to share with my future child. The DNA kit was shipped and received in approximately two weeks. I had to wait thirty minutes without drinking or eating and put my saliva sample in a tube. I mailed out the kit and received my results within a few weeks. My Italian heritage was confirmed. I was indeed 70% Greek/Italian, which amazed me. The 100% didn't exist. I was also 9% Middle Eastern and 4% Eastern European. When I logged onto ancestry DNA to view my matches, I discovered so much about my origins and I was absolutely astonished. I could see a link between all of my results. I was 12% West Asian, which I would like to attribute to the Etruscan tribe that invaded Tuscany, where my surname is said to originate from. As I digged deeper, I knew it wasn't a hoax. I recommend everyone to do this test. It's 100% legitimate and if you don't know who you are, you will become emotional uncovering the past. It's the best thing I've ever done in my life.
Thursday, July 2, 2015
*Confederate Flag: History Gone too Far
The Confederate Flag has stirred up controversy from the beginning of it's existence. The original purpose of the flag was for families who fought in the war to remember the victory. It was supposed to be used for the family of loved ones to remember them. Instead, America has twisted the meaning of the flag and turned it into a symbol of white supremacy. It has been turned into the main flag for the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). In recent weeks, a 21 year old boy decided to go into a predominately black church and murder the people in cold blood. His symbol of pride: the confederate flag. caused an uproar across the nation forcing stores and the country to ban the use of the flag. This has upset people who's family members fought in a battle that waved the confederate flag. Unfortunately, the ignorance of people like the KKK and the 21 year old boy has destroyed the definition of the confederate flag. It has caused tv networks to pull the classic show, The Dukes of Hazard. Has society gone to far? That's a question I leave to my readers. It's insane how people can turn a flag into a symbol of hate. The purpose of my writing is to educate the ignorant and racist people of America. Because of their stupidity, a country has been suffering for years. We are all human and racism exists within black and white people combined. We choose whether to live on hate or love. I hope that everyone chooses love, but in a world filled with destruction and violence, it's impossible. It will continue. All we can do is spread the love.
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
*South Florida Party Experts*
Are you in a bind and need a party planner? Are you in the south Florida area? If you need assistance, please contact me for further details. All items are handmade and done with lots of time and love. The main organizer has over 20 years of experience planning a variety of parties. These include baby showers, bridal showers, weddings, baptisms, first birthdays, and etc. It can all be done. If you're interested, simply comment on this blog and I will connect you in the right direction.
Monday, June 29, 2015
*A Review on "Orange is the New Black*
What is this new social phenomenon Orange is the New Black? It's a popular Netflix original about females in prison. It gives women a sense of empowerment behind bars. It highlights sexual preferences in jail and the harsh reality of prison treatment. I am not saying that every prison has this way of life, but it does happen. We have seen guards abuse their prisoners and have inappropriate relationships with them. The reality is that no matter the authority, we are all human. People are mistreated in jail on a daily basis, but they do not have a voice. Orange is the New Black highlights the improper treatment of inmates in a comedy series. We relate to the prisoners' struggles behind bars and in their households. I am sure that women who have been to prison may not appreciate the show because it hits close to home. I'm also sure that others are content with the education behind the scenes. People are mistreated behind bars every day. These people do not have a voice. They are violated on a constant basis and because of the crimes they've committed, their opinions don't matter. They are treated as animals and have lost all of their rights. The women in Orange is the New Black unite and fight against the abuse. They use the power that exists within their souls to make their lives livable. They show society that it doesn't matter where we are in the world, we are all human. The show enhances feminism and feminine power. Not only does it persuade women behind bars, but all females whom have ever been abused by society. I recommend all women to watch the show and form their own opinions. It's an incredible depiction of feminine power.
Thursday, June 25, 2015
*Baby-Wearing Benefits*
Most of you have heard of it, may have never tried it, tried it with the wrong appliance and decided it wasn't for you, or have never attempted to do it. Baby wearing has been around for centuries, but only recently has gained extensive popularity in the United States. Why baby wear?
Baby wearing enhances your bond with your child and calms them down. Research shows that worn infants barely ever cry. They are swaddled next to your chest. It mimicks the womb. Wearing your baby also allows you to complete household chores that could not be completed with a fussy baby. You don't have to worry about lugging around a stroller when your child is wrapped. Where should you inquire about wearing your child? Believe it or not, there are many Facebook support groups that discuss baby wearing and also have meet ups to show you how to baby wear. They give advice on baby wearing items and where to purchase them. You can go to a meetup and purchase one there. Personally, my favorite wrap is a woven wrap. My wrap is called the hip baby wrap. I purchased the item on amazon for $67.00. Wraps are expensive, but they're worth the cost. It will not disappoint you. You can wrap your child until they're two years old in my wrap. Many momma's wrap until 5 years old. It's a little complicated, but easy when you get the hang of it. YouTube tutorials help as well. Don't be afraid to wear your baby. If you're breastfeeding, it allows you to discreetly do it without a cover! Have fun wearing away!
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
*Uber vs. Cab Services: Why I Support Uber
Traveling a long distance to the airport? Have you called yellow cab to pick you up? You don't expect it to be too expensive. After all, you live about 30-35 miles from the airport. How much will it cost? Maybe $50.00? Wrong, about $150.00 considering the charge of $5.00 a minute. That's insane! Next time you'll just take a shuttle. Well, there's no more need, really. There's a new company, uber, which is half the price. Instead of spending your paycheck, you save half the price. Also, ubers are always on time. Cab drivers make you wait and sometimes take advantage of customers for a better tip. So, choose uber and your trip will not be a disappointment.
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
*Traveling Abroad From the US?- You may be denied travel to Europe if your passport expires in less than 6 months*
All ready to board your flight, but denied at passport inspection? Well, don't be surprised if you are. If your US passport expires in less than 6 months, you may be denied access to Europe. It's a new law that requires US citizens to renew their passports 6 months prior to expiration. The recommendation states at least 3 months, but is better if their is a 6 month gap. Imagine how devastating it can be to be turned away from your flight at the airport? Well, this recently happened to a friend of mine and he had no idea about the new law. Why? Because it wasn't stated on the website where he purchased his ticket. Obviously, he was reimbursed and was able to enjoy travel elsewhere, but that wasn't the original plan. All travel booking websites should have this new law stated in bold letters on their websites. If my original destination is Europe, I expect to travel to Europe. I will not be turned away or booted. It's ridiculous that American citizens are turned away from travel if our passport expires. I understand Europe's concern, but why would we stay in their countries and attempt to become citizens? If you are traveling to Europe this summer, make sure your passport doesn't expire in less than 6 months. Happy travels! You can read about the new Schengen law at for further information.
Monday, June 22, 2015
*Vaccines: Why I chose to do one at a time*
I know what you're thinking. "What a controversial topic to talk about? What kind of a mother are you? You're not right. You are wrong."
Listen, I am in no place to judge any parent on their choices. Guess what? Neither are you. I have chosen what I think is best for my child. Why I think it's best is what I will share with you. Everyone has their opinions on vaccines. Basically, you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't. It's important to know that I am not against vaccinating my child. I am against giving a combinational dosage of vaccines. Why? Because I believe my child's body cannot handle it. I have done plenty of research on vaccines. When I was a baby, I received a combinational dose that left me with a fever for 23 days. The same thing happened to my niece. I refuse to put my child at risk. I agree, every infant is different, but you will not know until they have received the immunization. I am doing one shot at a time because vaccines have been linked to brain damage. Vaccines also have small dosages of mercury and other additives that may be harmful to my child. Vaccines may cause fevers, vaccines can cause seizures, and I repeat again, vaccines CAN CAUSE BRAIN DAMAGE. Personally, I know an infant that had brain damage linked to the MMR vaccine. The health department was sued and the family received a settlement from them. Will that ever bring their healthy child back? Will that ever reverse the neurological damage? Will that ever make up for the emotional and physical destruction their family has endured? The answer is, no. That will not bring back their healthy child and it will not fix the problem. It will help with medical issues and treatments the child is forced to endure its entire life. You can think whatever you want about me. I think I am human. I believe I am making the right choice. How do I know? Because a nurse approached me as my child was receiving her one dosage vaccine today and commended my parenting skills. Her exact words, "You're doing a great job. It's a lot for them." I thanked her and told her that not everyone would agree with her. I have been called a terrible parent. I have been called stupid and plenty of other names. I think I am doing it the safe way. I think that my child's risk of developing any side effects is more minimal than others. I think I am a smart mother. I think I am intelligent. You can call me whatever names you want, bring it on. I am being a good mother.
Friday, June 19, 2015
*Where to Shop for Summer Vacation at Low Cost: Women and Men*
Looking for fashion trends at low costs? Not willing to spend $100 on a summer outfit? Tired of shopping at top brand stores and buying cheap material?
Whether you're a man or woman, tj Maxx, marshalls, or Ross has the best solutions. Not only are their prices affordable, but they have top designer brands at low costs. If you can't afford that Gucci or Guess brand anymore, these places are perfect for you. If you're not too stuck up, I dare you to try them. You can find some Ralph Loren, Juicy, Tommy Hillfiger, Anne Klein, and other designer brands for $30.00 or less. Best part is, no one ever has to know where you got your clothes. Not only is the material durable, but it fits anyone's budget. Instead of spending $200 on one outfit, you can spend that on a few different things. So, broaden your horizons, leave your comfort zone, and explore these affordable shops. You won't be disappointed.
Thursday, June 18, 2015
* Coyote Epidemic- South Florida *
"Coy-what? No way? Not in my neighborhood!"
People it's time to wake up! Coyotes are in our neighborhoods. They have left the Everglades and made it to Boca Raton. They're going after small pets and have even killed a small York Shire Terrier. People who live in surrounding areas, such as Coral Springs, Coconut Creek, Deerfield Beach, West Palm Beach, Pompano Beach, Fort Lauderdale, and etc. should be concerned. Just because it's not in your exact location, does not mean it could not reach you. Children and small pets are in danger. It's becoming a small epidemic. I've never heard of coyotes in south Florida. The Everglades aren't enough for them anymore. They're leaving because of fires and lack of food. They are coming to our towns hungry. This is extremely frightening. They don't only come out at night, they attack during the early morning hours. My husband caught sight of a coyote on the turnpike off the Sample Road exit. They're closer thank you can imagine and small pets and children shouldn't be left unattended. If you can avoid walking pets for the time being, use a dog pad or your back yard if you have one. Take them to a dog park if you have time. Ensure that small children aren't left unattended and are playing in fenced areas. Coyotes are wild animals and they aren't afraid to attack. If you see one, it's important not to panic. Stay perfectly calm and do not run. If it approaches you, act as if you're bigger than the animal. Start throwing rocks or pennies. Use an authoritative voice. If you can manage, call Florida Fish and Wild Life Conservation Commission (FWCC) at (888-404-3922)immediately for further assistance. Obviously, do not approach the animal head on. Signal for as much help as possible. Also, contact the local law enforcement agency.
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
*Comparing Self Identity Crises: Caitlyn Jenner vs. Rachel Dolezal*
Who are you? Can you answer it comfortably? So many people go through life struggling with the question. Many of us wonder what it's classified as. The proper words to define a struggle with ourselves is called a self identity crisis. Most of us reach this stage at puberty and overcome it once we hit our later teen years. Sometimes, it reappears in late adulthood as we struggle to find our meaning and place in the world. When does it become a serious issue? When we are forced to lie or alter our natural born identities because we are uncomfortable with them, then it becomes a psychological issue that dwells within the soul. When an individual cannot accept themselves or live in their own bodies, the identity crisis becomes their life. Bruce Jenner and Rachel Dolezal are perfect examples of individuals trapped in a self identity crisis that stems from a psychological stand point. Both individuals are not comfortable with who they truly are and have altered their appearances. Jenner feels that he always has been a she, Caitlyn Jenner, on the inside and Dolezal has always connected as an African American, although, she was born white. They have had a arduous time transitioning in life and chose to alter their identities. The only way to become comfortable with their "true" selves is to endure extensive psychological treatment. They must except who they are on the inside and who they've become. Caitlyn has accepted her transition from male to female, but Dolezal has not accepted her white roots. The only way she can accept her origins is to go through treatment and figure out why she chose her identity. She has hurt many people along the way, including her parents. It's one thing to transform into another individual with acceptance and truth, but it's another issue when it becomes a harsh lie that affects the lives of our loved ones. I hope these individuals find peace in their own and original skins because it's not easy. Many people with a self identity crisis turn to self harm when they lack self love. Don't be afraid to reach out for help! Be comfortable with who you are. If not, it's never to late to talk to someone.
If you or someone you know, is in need of serious help, don't hesitate to call the national suicide hotline toll free at:
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
* You can afford a Fairytale Wedding *
Well, the first person I must thank is my creative and hard working mother. My wedding would have not been possible without her. She put months of all of her time and effort in planning and preparation. Many will ask, "how did you do it? How did you afford it?" Well, I made a budget for myself and stuck to it. First off, I planned my wedding a year in advance. I went to a variety of venues. They were beautiful, but the one I loved was the first one I went to (The Royal Fiesta Event Center). No, it wasn't the most luxurious venue, but it was the most personable. They didn't treat me like a transaction, which most venues did. So, I chose them and they truly made my night memorable. Anywho, let's get back to the planning, Pinterest and etsy were my best friends. They helped me with ideas and I was able to purchase items that were "not affordable" at a lower price. The vendors were more than gracious. They were extremely efficient and professional. Of course, I had an issue with some minor things, such as my invitations and videographer, but those are things I only know. Therefore, my wedding was an overall success. Anywho, think you can't do it, you can. Get ideas from etsy and Pinterest through lots of research and then go to your local arts and crafts store. You can make the same things at a less expensive cost. A lot of my items were handmade, such as my gorgeous bouquet and centerpieces. I know I haven't gone into a lot of detail, but that would spoil the entire idea. You can afford a wedding like mine if you plan ahead, especially if you have a strong support system and people who are willing to help. Thank you! Thank you all!
Monday, June 15, 2015
** "Just Fly" at Cheaper Prices
"Ahh! Tickets are so expensive. Where am I to find an affordable trip? Maybe I will just wait until next year."
Looking for an accomodations at cheap prices? I have found one of the best solutions. No more orbitz, cheap tickets, travelocity, cheap flights, or going through the airline directly. I was once an avid user of orbitz, but the flight costs are ridiculous. So, I did some research and found Not only are travel prices worth purchasing, the site will not register your IP address while you search for tickets. That, to me, is the definition of reliable. I came across justfly while searching for a ticket to Europe. I saw an 855.00 ticket for departure and an 865.00 ticket for returns. I thought to myself, "this is impossible." Not only was it possible, but it was for a direct trip to Rome from Miami with a connecting flight to Ancona (my destination) at a total of 12 hours duration. The secret is, to keep inspecting the sight. They will say only two seats left, but it's not always true. The flight will come back across your screen. The best time to purchase a trip is on a Tuesday or Wednesday night. I noticed that every other night was well into the thousands. So, hop on just fly and book your ticket at an affordable rate. I promise, you will not be disappointed and you will be able to make the trip. Go now, don't wait or you will regret it.
Friday, June 12, 2015
** Breastfeeding, Why I said, "Yes."**
"Breast What? I am not doing that. You mean the baby has to feed from there? Gross! Breasts aren't meant for that."
People, it's time to stop sexualizing the breast. Stop relating the breast to sexual gratification. Before there was formula, there was solely breast milk. All of our ancestors breast fed their babies. If they didn't breastfeed, there was a town wet nurse, whom gave milk to all of the babies whose mothers did not have enough. Breast milk is a natural thing. It has many vitamins that nourish our babies brains. Researchers recommend breastfeeding for the first two years of life for maximum benefits. Research also shows that breastfed babies perform better than their formula fed counterparts. I know what you're thinking. "Formula was invented for a reason. Breastfeeding isn't for everyone. Who are you to judge anyone?" I am not bashing formula or anyone who chooses to formula feed their children. I was a formula fed baby. Therefore, I respect all mothers who feed their babies! I'm just going to share facts. I had plans of breastfeeding for three to six months and am currently in my 8th month of breastfeeding. I went through hell to breastfeed my daughter because I never give up a battle. I had inverted nipples, mastitis, bleeding and sore nipples, and was just about ready to throw the towel in. If it wasn't for a dear friend of mine who encouraged me to continue, I wouldn't be where I am today. She added me to a breastfeeding support group, "breast friends," that educated me on breastfeeding and its challenges. I read about the additives in formula and the unknown that exists in them. I decided I did not want my child to consume that. My breastmilk came in after two days. My daughter was determined to feed off of me. I wouldn't have made it through without Mama Earth's Nipple Butter. There were many times I cried my eyes out. I always asked myself, "why." When I read stories from other mothers in, "Breast Friends," I knew the answer. Believe it or not, so many people seek breastmilk. There are many children who are classified as "failure to thrive" and benefit from the natural nutrients of breastmilk. Their parents are unable to produce or adopt them and are incapable of producing, so they go on different websites in search of milk (Human Milk 4 Human Babies- Florida and Eats on Feats- Florida). There are also many mothers desperate for milk because they stopped producing. Believe it or not, if you have breastmilk and are willing to donate, these websites help you. Never trust anyone trying to sell their stash. Mothers are extremely grateful for whatever you give them. Some have even made me cry. Don't take anything natural for granted. That's why breast milk is "liquid gold." Some people use it as a method to cure their cancers. So, next time you judge a breastfeeding mother for being uncovered or whatever the case may be, consider what she's doing. Feeding her child. Admire her and offer encouragement. She may be an angel nourishing the world. If you are breastfeeding and have an extra stash of milk please, please look up the agencies provided. DONATE! DONATE DONATE! Your milk is someone else's treasure. If you've considered not breastfeeding, maybe now you will. If you're a formula feeding mother who judged people who nursed their children, maybe now you won't.
Thursday, June 11, 2015
** Overcoming the Summer Downfall **
You have all heard the saying, "wouldn't it be nice if money grew on trees?" Oh how great that would be!
It's no secret that with summer, slow season follows. In a position where tips count, it's important to save your money for the summer downfall. No matter how hard you work, hustle, and put yourself out on the line, you find yourself breaking less than $100 a day. What can you do? It would make sense to frown, pout, and dwell on the situation, but what's that going to solve? Of course, you will doubt yourself and your ability to make money, but it's not only you, it's everyone. If you haven't put some money aside, the slow season will be brutal. You may find yourself searching for another position, but trust me, it's not worth it. Especially, if you've been with your current company for over a few years. You have seniority. Do you know how arduous it is to start at square one? Now you know the secret! Save, save, save. Don't buy that new blouse or tv if you don't really need it. Your bank account will be screaming at you later. If you're not a saver, maybe now is the time to learn how to save. Open up a bank account if you don't have one. Try to put $20.00 a week in it for the next 3 months and don't touch it. By the end of those 3 months, you will have accumulated approximately $240.00. Don't touch that money and continue your $20.00 deal for the rest of the year. By the end of the year, if you don't touch the money, you will have $960.00. I know that doesn't seem like much, but that's money you didn't have saved before. If you continue to do it, you will accumulate more and you can use the account as an emergency fund during rough times, especially slow season. That doesn't mean, wipe out the account. It means use the money for gas here and there if you're in a bind because you barely made enough to cover groceries and rent for the week. Learning how to save isn't easy, but it's worth it. If you can do more than $20.00 a week, you will have double the profit in your account. It's hard to make a dollar, so don't waste your money on unnecessary things. Remember, there will be tough times that come along and remind you of how hard you work like slow season. So, why waste your money on worthless items? Remember your NEEDS before your WANTS!!! Unfortunately, there is a slow season and money doesn't grow on trees. Appreciate what you work for and keep working hard! You will survive the summer downfall of less than $100 a day. When busy season comes along, don't waste that money. Remember how truly hard it is to make and how fortunate you are to have it.
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
**Grocery Shopping on a Budget**
*Grocery Shopping on a Budget*
I know this may sound silly to some, but it could honestly save you from over shopping and buying unnecessary items. How many of you have walked into the grocery store and bought something you didn't need? How many of you have gotten home and asked yourselves why did I buy that? Almost all of us have purchased something that caught our attention because we WANTED it and did not NEED it. Maybe it was the pretty packaging or the fact that it made our stomach rumble. Here are a few steps that will help avoid this situation, which may lead to over spending.
** First off, make a list of what you really need. I know, I know this can be hard, but go through your cabinets and fridge. This can help you, so that you don't forget anything and won't have to go back to the grocery store.
** Second off, make sure to set a budget. I know this sounds silly, but put yourself at $100.00 for groceries and nothing more. I know what you're thinking. I have kids. How am I going to manage that? There's no way I can keep track with them. Trust me. It's possible. Instead of adding the top brands to your cart, try great value products instead.
** Third off, make sure to go to the grocery store only once a week. So many of us are lazy and have no patience. It saves a lot of time to go on your day off and purchase everything you need for the week. Not only will you be saving money, but the hassle of standing in line every day. Think of meals for the week before you go.
** Fourth off, look for deals prior to shopping. Those of you who are smart phone aware, there are many coupon apps, which can be downloaded and savings catchers where you upload your receipts and receive cash back for items that roll back. I have almost $10.00 accumulated, which I can use towards any purchase at Walmart because of their savings catcher app.
Be smart! Don't be stupid. Everything will work out if you set a budget and take a few minutes to focus. I would have put something less than $100 budget, but now a days, it's almost impossible to avoid going below. If you can, more power to you! Keep going and save!
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