Wednesday, May 29, 2013
*Sex Scandals in Schools- Who's Fault is it Anyway?*
We all agree that it is inappropriate for a teacher to initiate a sexual relationship with a student. In Florida, it is against state law for anyone over the age of 21 to be involved with anyone 16 or younger. It is considered statutory rape and it can cost an individual their job. If you're from a different culture or have been to other countries, it's not uncommon for these scenarios to occur. If a teenager is mature enough to start a relationship with an older individual, it's socially accepted. Many Americans are outraged by these types of relationships and believe they are disgusting. They don't consider the past or the relationships that existed between their ancestors. Don't get me wrong, I do believe that it is sexually inappropriate for grown men or women to initiate relationships with anyone under the age of 14. Once they're over the age, if it is consensual, then it's not only the older individuals fault, but the "victims" as well. If parents condoned the relationship prior to the accusations, then they are responsible for the ill outcome. You can't "cry wolf" because matters didn't end in your favor. An individuals future is at stake, so make amends with it and move on. Don't cost them their lives. If the relationship begins on school property, it isn't respected. Teachers should always be responsible and stray away from developing sexual relations with their students. When they violate school rules, they must face the consequences. The law is the law and it can't be altered. Respect your jobs. Don't create havoc. It can ruin everyone's future.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
*^ Roma- A City Full of Cultures ^*
When I was 18, I had an amazing opportunity. Throughout my life, I have been able to do diverse activities because of my parents. I always knew that I wanted to live in Italy. I wasn't sure where, but I knew my heart was there. Shortly after graduating high school, I was on a desperate search for a college. I didn't want to go anywhere, but Europe and I was stubborn. I didn't do the correct process and failed to apply to any college. As you can imagine, my parents were infuriated. I wasn't even sure if I wanted to attend any college at all, but I knew I had to. Since I had begged my parents all my life about Italy, they made arrangements to meet with staff at one of the most well-known school, The American University of Rome. I will never forget the day I arrived at the iron gates to tour the school. It was small, but magnificently beautiful. It was surrounded by different trees and it felt homely. I enjoy learning in small groups. I am easily distracted by larger ones, so this school was perfect. In January of 2008, I was able to attend The American University of Rome. I had the pleasure of experiencing many diverse cultures. I also met unforgettable individuals that will always remain close to my heart. One of my best friends, pictured above third to last, is from Iraq. She introduced me to her culture and made me feel welcome in Europe when I felt alone. It wasn't easy leaving my family, so four years evolved into four short months. It's one of my many regrets because I didn't receive my dual degree, but I had the opportunity. That is one of the greatest things I have ever done. If you have the chance, explore. It's one of the most amazing things I've ever done.
Monday, May 27, 2013
*How Safe Are Your Children?*
It happens every day. Parents send their children to school, to a friends house, take them to a park, etc. Unfortunately, kidnappings occur every moment. Parents do anything and everything they can to protect their children, but sometimes it's not enough. There's nothing anyone can do to keep their kids completely safe. There are prowlers in every neighborhood waiting to find a helpless child. The only thing that can ensure a child's safety is a close eye. It's hard to keep an open eye, especially when other children are involved. Also, children should always travel in large groups. They should never be left alone. Your neighborhood can never be too "safe." Anything can happen anywhere.
Sunday, May 26, 2013
*Internet Violence. How many Children or Tweens are Susceptible to it?*
If your parents worked late nights or didn't pay much attention to your whereabouts, it's likely you rebelled. We all strike against our parents in diverse ways. Whether it involved late night chats on the computer or watching a rates R movie when you know it's not the right thing to do. If you're smart, you'll turn to Internet chatting, but you won't reveal your true identity. If you are vulnerable and naive, you will. If you were never taught to distance yourself from strangers, then you will fall in the trap. This gives a perpetrator a chance to stalk you, come to your house, or meet you. You may not think it's a danger, but it's a possibility that the perp is not who you believe it is. He may be an old man who is into assaulting young girls. If you weren't taught the values or your body and your mind and you are a young girl, please protect your self. You don't want to be a victim of a murder or rape. Don't chat in chat rooms at all. They are not 100% safe. Don't reveal your identity to anyone. Don't ever tell anyone you are home alone. Don't send your pictures to anyone. Don't allow your self to become a victim. Be safe and talk to your parents. They love you and you are more important than you may think you are!
Saturday, May 25, 2013
*Travel Plans Booked Ahead? Check Your Tickets Every Day!*
Are you planning on an extravagant vacation to Europe this summer? Or maybe, you're just going to visit family in the United States. Have you purchased your tickets ahead of time to ensure your place? Make sure you check the status online every few days! Believe it or not, some airlines will make changes or cancel your trip without notification. In the end, you'll be left with a suitcase and no place to go. Thank God I've been checking my travel arrangements. I'm traveling to Italy in July. The airline decided to cancel one of my connecting trips without sending an email. You can imagine my panic and surprise when I went online for a daily check up. I immediately called a travel agent to assist me. I was on the phone for two hours, but it was worth it. I'm still traveling to the same location for the same amount of time. So, don't wait until the last day. Check every few days! You won't be disappointed!
Thursday, May 23, 2013
* Laser Tattoo Removal- Why Torture Ourselves?
Well, many people have wondered and asked. They have even gawked at my hand in amazement. "Is that ringworm? Is that a pen mark? If not, then what is it?" People seem amazed by the imprint on my left hand in between my index finger and thumb. It's a small tattoo. Yes, it's not perfect, but at one time it was. It's taken more than 9 treatments. My consultant lied and said it would only be two. I was fifteen when I branded the initial on my hand. It wasn't the smartest decision I've ever made, but it symbolized my love for someone. People may think, "love? What does a fifteen year old know about that?" A lot actually. It's been an extremely heart wrenching process. That "C" meant the world to me for over 6 years. It was part of my adolescence. It made up who I am today. It may sound corny, but it was part of my personality. It stood for a person that I once admired. I don't dare to write his name. It's too painful. Therefore, with sincere condolences to my readers, I will explain the laser process. It lasts less than a second and burns for a few minutes. You must put a healing moisturizer on the wound, so that it doesn't leave a scar. I'm not saying that it will, but if you don't care for it the correct way it will. In the end, you won't forget it was there, but the removal was worth it.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
*** How Do I Gain Exposure ***
Are you writing a song, book, etc. and are trying to gain publicity? Make a music video, start a blog, turn to YouTube or the Internet for exposure. It won't be easy, but it won't be that hard either. Make sure that you copyright your material, so people don't steal your ideas. You might think, "Copyright? How the hell do I do that? Is it free?" No, it's not free and you must register your work at for complete protection. It might not seem worth it, but if your idea is worth millions, then it is. After you get copyrighted, make your work viral. You never know, if at the right time, the right person sees your work, you can receive that break at any time. You have to be motivated and persistent. In turn, all of your dreams will come true!
Monday, May 20, 2013
*Hidden Fashion Sensation- The Piero Guidi Collection
Hello World! I'm sure all of you are familiar with European products ranging from Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Fendi, Dolce & Gabbana, and etc. Under the midst of it all lies a designer even more talented than all of the above. He's famous in Italy for his "one of a kind" label, "Angeli del nostro tempo," "angels of our time." The main symbol you can find on each of his products are two angels in an embrace. They appear as if they are dancing or about to dance in harmony. The man is holding up the woman, which symbolizes her importance. Interestingly enough, these products, which range from purses to keychains aren't only for women to enjoy, but their mates as well. Piero Guidi recently opened a store in the United States, which lies in the, "heart of New York," the city. Piero Guidi has been designing for years. Unfortunately, it was an extremely difficult takeoff, but it happened. Below are images from his unique and bold collection. Discover the peace in his work! Piero Guidi is my favorite designer and the quality of his work is better than all of the above! Best of all, the prices are reasonable. They range from $100.00 and up. It's worth it!
Sunday, May 19, 2013
* Imagine if..."
Imagine if you had to lose your own identity without saying a word to your loved ones. Imagine if you had to leave on a short notice and weren't allowed to say your last "goodbyes." How would you feel if you lost everyone you ever cared about without a choice? Sometimes people are at the wrong place at the wrong time and have no say in what happens. They are forced to leave everything where it is left and flee. They witness the wrong situations and must give up their identities. Many who love them are left hurt and without answers. They believe their loved one has passed on, but they haven't. Realistically, this doesn't happen to most people, but it could. So, maybe this will give you the strength to appreciate everything you have, even the things you don't like. Wake up and smell the coffee, sometimes people don't have the choice! Love your world! It's the most precious one.
Saturday, May 18, 2013
**Writing, the Meaning Behind Words**
Did you ever notice that a piece of paper with words on it can cause individuals to display all different types of emotions? Wether the document is filled with positivity or negativity, it stirs an internal reaction. Our words are more powerful than a punch or a fight. We don't realize it, but they are. I know my words have caused grown men to cry. Every single thing we say or do should begin from our hearts. We must consider the way people may or may not feel before we initiate a process. We fall in love with words and we fall in hate with words. It can go either way. There is a reason beyond it all. We can even take compliments over the edge. Was there one thing you didn't want to be remembered as if you die tomorrow? I am sure there is. Maybe it's your profession and how you believe the world views you. I hope I'm not simply remembered for something I worked at in life. That would insult my intelligence. People may not believe how truly knowledgable I am, but guess what, I don't have to prove myself to anyone. The only skin we should feel comfortable in is our own. So make sure that you believe in yourself if you hear an insult. You know it's not true and you know you have potential. Choose to succeed and say positive!
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
*Goodbye 90210 New Season. It's Been Incredible"

It has definitely been an unforgettable five years. It may not have lasted as long as the original series, but "90210" was a life touching show. I will never forget when I made the decision to follow the series. I know it will never compare to the original, but it was fun while it lasted. The plot was breathtaking and always leaving the audience on the edge of their seats. Sure, it was strange that the whole cast slept with one another, but their battles were realistic. My heart was with Silver (Erin) aka Jessica Stroup when she fought bipolar disorder and when she discovered she had the BRCA gene. I will never forget Adrianna Tate-Duncan's (Jessica Lowndes') drug addiction and pregnancy struggles. Navid Shirazi (Michael Steger) never failed to demonstrate compassion and was close to her side. Throughout the show, he was Adrianna's "true" love. Who can forget Annie Wilson (Shenae Grimes) and Dixon Wilson (Tristan Wilds) (Annie's adopted brother) coming to town? They were the "new kids" on the block. They struggled to fit in, but made it in the end through bitches and popularity. One of those bitches was Naomi Clark (AnnaLynn McCord), who was jealous of Annie in many ways. In the end, their commonality lay in a half brother they both shared. They always battled for the same man. Annie, the most heart filled one, always seized the boy. Liam Court (Matt Lanter) was Annie's soulmate. He was the "bad and rebellious" guy on the show. The season finale proved he had a soft spot for the love of his life. I'm happy that the show ended the way it did. Everyone landed in the right arms. My only disappointment was with the end of Silver's story. I believe that she should have been in Dixon's arms. He, in fact, was her first love. I'm happy that they were together, but I wanted more romance. You can never have enough. It was sad that they didn't have any. Every single actor on this show has made a huge imprint on the lives of many viewers. Goodbye our "friends," good luck, and touché.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
*I Dyed My Hair With Cranberry Juice*
Guess what! I dyed my hair with cranberry juice and it worked. The tint is not as red as I wanted, but it's good for a start. All I did was wet my hair with a little water and mixed in all natural cranberry juice. For best results, use a spray bottle. Let it sit for an hour under a shower cap and then rinse it out.
*Cysts Can Literally Be the Death of You*
If you are a woman and are having pains in your uterus area, you should immediately schedule a gynecologist appointment. During a routine screening, a cyst may or not be found. If it's in your Fallopian tube, make sure that you tell them you want it removed right away! Sometimes, these cysts are no joke. It could be an ectopic pregnancy or an ovarian granuloma, which is extremely rare. If your gynecologist appears bothered by your request, seek a new one! Your body is way more important!
Monday, May 13, 2013
*Natural Ways to Dye Your Hair*
If you're highly allergic to hair dye, like myself, you know the icky uncomfortable feeling that it leaves behind. Not only does it blister your scalp, but it severely damages your hair. Also, it can't be healthy. The only thing that my scalp is resistant to is highlights, but I want a darker look. Red is one of the most highly allergic colors that exists. It contains the most PPD content. After some research, I found several articles that state, cranberry juice or beet juice can naturally dye your hair. You must leave the product on for an hour and then rinse it out. Before you try it, make sure your hair is a little damp. If that doesn't work for you, try beet juice. You can use the one in the store or simply crush your own. If you choose cranberry juice, make sure it's not the cocktail version. One famous actress known to brighten her strawberry blonde hair with cranberry juice is actress, Nicole Kidman. If you're looking to make your hair darker, use coffee or cocoa powder. For lighter hair, lemon juice is a must! It works. Simply put one of these natural products in your hair and use a blow drier on a low setting if you don't have time to sit for an hour. Repeat the process weekly as needed. P.S., it brightens your hair and doesn't fry it!
Sunday, May 12, 2013
^*Sad News to Hear on Mother's Day*^
Well, after vacationing in a beautiful tranquil city every summer since I was twelve, I am shocked to find out some horrible news. We own an apartment on the Adriatic Sea in Falconara Marittima. It's often called the hidden jewel of Italy. The food is so rich and hormone free, the water is naturally filtered, and the people are the warmest and most welcoming. In recent years, the hidden jewel has been swarmed with foreigners. These foreigners have brought drugs to the city, disrespected it with violence, and graffiti it. They are a disgrace to their own countries. How dare they enter a foreign land and disrespect the place that feeds them? I am truly disgusted by these people. There comes a point in time where a city should decide to shut its doors. I've had enough of these disgraceful people. Throw them out and send them back. They don't appreciate anything! They are disgusting animals!!!!!!
Friday, May 10, 2013
"The Great Gatsby- The Truth About Love"
True love is never easy, never free, never priceless. There are many diverse versions of love. All types of love initiate with a mere infatuation. Some rare types of love evolve into lifelong commitments, which are supposed to build a foundation of eternal trust. Nothing ever comes easy and if it does, then it's not true love. I always believed that the best love stories involve fairytales with happy endings, but after tonight, I have faith in the opposite. Life isn't about the happy endings. It's about the experiences that alter your life forever. We all pass through thrilling events that alter our lives forever. These experiences make us stronger individuals. If you haven't gone through changes or struggles in life, you haven't lived or loved. Love is what makes life worth living. If you haven't loved, then you have lost the greatest gift from God. People think that real love involves faithfulness and devotion without mistakes. The truth is that we are all human and are incapable of living a "perfect" life. We all go through phases that involve infidelity and broken trust. If you haven't experienced any of these things, then you are the biggest liar on the planet. We'd like to think that our future husbands or wives will be the only loves of our lives. Lets face it, that is not always the case. Many people have loved before and never fully recover from that love. Certain circumstances tear them away from those people, which breaks them apart. In turn, they are forced to move on. Moving on does not mean letting go. It is often more complicated than that. "The Great Gatsby" reveals the pain that revolves around the experience and the strings that people are willing to go through for their great loves. Even when you move on, you still think about your first true love and what they accomplish in their lives. I'm not saying that your first love isn't going to be your last love, but a majority of the time, it isn't the case. You remember that person on every special day of your life. You wonder if you'll ever see them again and what will happen if you do. If your life changes and you do run into that "first love," will it affect your life? If you ever truly loved them, your breath will stop. Depending on where you are in life, you may choose to spend time with them to decipher if you want them in your life. If the outcome is positive for both parties, life will be complete. It's a 50/50 chance where no one truly wins. You must fight for what you believe in until the end. Everything will work out in the end and if it doesn't, like Jake Gatsby, you have to have hope. Hope is all you can do. If it doesn't work out, at least you've had that person for that moment. Those moments are the unforgettable memories that are kept in the realm of our hearts.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
*Groupon- Hidden Treasure?*
When the economy is rough, it's great to have amazing deals. Some businesses go out of their way to accommodate potential customers. They offer many deals, so that people can feel pampered for one day. Other manufacturers list merchandise at more than half the price to accommodate individuals who can't afford the full amount. One of the most popular websites that legitimately allows people to find affordable deals is Groupon. Groupon is an easy tool with a search engine that reveals nearby, hidden bargains. You can find products at 75% off the original price. It ranges from restaurants to salons to goods and services. Other websites that offer individuals an affordable chance are amazon and eBay. They both list products that are either new, refurbished, or used at half the price. It's definitely a lifesaver when you can't afford full price. If you haven't checked any of these sites out, now is your chance. I just bought a Christian Audigier purse for $39.99. These purses usually go for $100.00. How amazing is that?
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
*Daily Meditation or Prayer to Lift You Up*
For the past few weeks, I've found myself reciting daily prayers. To be honest, they've helped boost my confidence and energy for the day. Lets face it, we're not all happy with our daily routines, so we have to make the most of it. Prayers and meditation spring off positive energy. They help people relax and give them a chance to breath. Positivity and smiles are everything. No one deserves any less. So, take a chance and meditate or pray! Help yourself!
*Strange Attractions - How Would You React? *
It never fails. No matter where I go, what I do, or who I am with, I attract the strangest people. Wether I shoot someone a smile or simply say hello, they sometimes develop the wrong idea. I have had people whisper dirty comments and attempt to grope me. Not just men, but women. It's humorous because the people that act the way they do, you would never expect it. Looks can be deceiving. Beware of what you do! The craziness can fall on you!
Monday, May 6, 2013
^* Daily Routines & Why I'd Make a Great Journalist*^
Well, this dream of mine started when I was very young. Maybe I was in Kindergarten. I don't really remember. What I do remember is my love for telling a story. When I was 11 years old, I wrote 278 pages of a story in one day. It wasn't a great story, but an interesting one. I'd also sit around and write poems or songs. They were really intense and poignant in every meaning of the words. When I finally arrived at university, I knew I wanted to involve writing in my daily life. I chose Communications Mass Media as a major because of my love of writing and to learn different aspects of the industry. Communications Mass Media is a very broad major, which focuses on the news, journalism, radio, movies, etc. In my college career, I learned many interesting things because I also chose to take a variety of psychology classes and writing classes. I managed to achieve all A's in every single writing class I had. My junior year, my teacher inspired me to pursue my dreams of composing a novel. She had faith in my words and that's all it took for me to initiate my book. It has been an interesting journey, thus far. I've been reliving past experiences through my favorite things, a pen and paper. It's been taking longer than expected, but that's because of the painful memories that are involved in chapters of my life. My favorite thing to do is research and read the news. I love discovering new things. Every morning I wake up, read an American newspaper, and then an Italian newspaper. My friends in Europe are shocked that I know more information than they do. I simply tell them that it's a passion of mine. They laugh and smile. We all make a certain hobby or pastime part of our day. It makes life worth living. What's yours? If you don't have one, find one.
Sunday, May 5, 2013
^*Just Be Yourself*^
At one point or another, everyone has trouble fitting into their own skin. They try to develop their own personality and question many things about themselves. Their physical appearance may never be good enough or they can't seem to humor an audience. They constantly search for qualities to build their persona. Sometimes, it takes a lifetime for people to develop themselves. My advice is to take a breath, lay back, and just be yourself. Believe it or not, your own personality is unique. Never attempt to be someone you're not. We only get one chance. We are the best people we can be!
Saturday, May 4, 2013
***Tattoos and their Meanings- Skin Deep?****
Everyone who has a tattoo has a certain meaning behind them. Whether it was just for fun or symbolizes a certain event in the persons life. Well, each one of my 8 tattoos mean something. When I was 17, I got my first real tattoo, which is a magenta tiny butterfly on my right pelvic bone. It symbolizes a journey of freedom, rebellion, and transformation. My second tattoo, a cross on my left pelvic bone, means faith and moving forward. My palm tree on my left, lower back corner symbolizes unity with my friend that came to America from Italy for the first time. When I was 20, I decided to get a portrait of a baby in angel wings on my left rib cage, which honors all of the departed in my life. It reads, "Nelle Braccia Degli Angeli," which means, "in the arms of the angels." My strength tattoo on my right angel is a symbol of friendship and my inner force with my best friend in New Jersey, Alana. My dove tattoo is a connection between my sister and I for her 18th birthday. When I was 22 I decided that I needed a tattoo that described myself, so in the center of my lower back, I got, "La Mia Anima, Le Mie Parole," "My Soul, My Words." I have wanted that tattoo since I was in 6th grade. It symbolizes my passion for writing. When I was 23, I decided that I wanted to add a tattoo that symbolized my intense love for Italy and my best friend Claudia. Beneath my words, I added a gigantic sunflower with great detail. It looks like it's blowing in the wind on my back. Finally, I have one last tattoo that I've been trying to remove for the past three years. When I was 15, I decided that I wanted to brand my hand with my first true love's initial. Someone I'd think of and admire for the rest of my life. I don't regret the tattoo, I regret the heartache he caused me because I allowed it for many years. It was an intense disappointment. It's slowly fading, but the "C" pops through it all. My consultant lied and told me it would take 2 treatments. It's been 9. Hopefully, with one more, it will be gone. I express the story of my life through my tattoos and my words. That is the inner meaning and light of me.
Friday, May 3, 2013
**Attention My International Traveler's**
Hello everyone! Looking to get an legitimate international driver's permit? Well, there is only one legitimate travel agency that has them. AAA travel agency in the Pompano Beach area has international driving permits at a reasonable $15.00 price. If you search online and pay money for a "legitimate" license, chances are it's not what you think. It will most likely be a scam! Think you don't need an international permit, you're wrong. Almost every European country requires drivers to have the permit. If you don't, there will be a lot of questions you'll be answering to. You may even be arrested, so be smart and contact AAA! :) It's hassle free and I got mine today!
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
*Foreigners in Our Country- When is it Time to Close the Doors?*
Many of our ancestors and forefathers have settled in America with one goal in mind. That goal was for a chance to experience a "free" world. They left their homelands in the 1800's or 1900's and looked ahead. Some never looked back. They exchanged letters and sent money to their families, but never saw them again. It's heartbreaking to know that something like that took place for a better life. For centuries, America has always been the land of opportunity. In recent years, many people have taken advantage of America in disgusting ways. They have brought bombs to this country, committed violent crimes, and destroyed our land. I am a firm believer that people should be fully interrogated before they're allowed to cross over in America. We are not a third world country, but are slowly turning into one. Our freedom has been taken advantage of and we are outraged that foreigners are able to destroy a land that our forefathers fought for. How dare they disrespect our country? How dare they slap America in the face? Get out and stay out!
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